Loads of fun going on at our house this weekend, Bella got all better from her cold/fever thing, and was such a sweet little girl, that she decided to share it with her mommy, so Michele was sick all weekend. Fun times all around.
Bella and I took a road trip to exotic Sandwich, IL, with Grandma P (while Bella's mom stayed home and rested) to visit my Grandpa and Grandma, and so Bella could hang out with her cousins Jenna and Megan. It was a good time, Bella found a new love of both Cheese Nips and grapes, though luckily not in the same bite. She also got to climb around like a maniac in one of the McDonald's indoor playground things, and since she's not a fan of slides right now, she was stuck in a bubble about 15 feet above the ground for a while there.
I'm very excited about the week ahead, this is the week where I get to see Sigur Ros on Wednesday and My Bloody Valentine on Saturday. I'm pretty much as excited as can be for the Sigur Ros show, I'm already expecting this to be the best show of the year for me. You should definitely check out their new cd, which has a super long Icelandic title that I won't try writing, it is incredible as always.
I pretty much have to apologize in advance to my friends Brian and Lynn, who will be at the show with me. I can pretty much guarantee that at some point during the show, they can turn and look at me and will see me making the same face Nelson made when he was seeing Andy Williams on the Simpsons. They'll understand.
Classes are going well, I'll be building what is called a crystal radio soon in once class, which is basically a super simple radio that works without any power applied. Should be a good semester ahead.
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