I'm going to apologize in advance to everyone out there, since I"ll pretty much be incommunicado for the next month and a half or so at the least. I've just started a new semester at school, and in an effort to more or less sprint to an earlier finish to my Associates, I'm taking three classes this semester, so my Monday through Thursday nights are booked, as are my Saturday afternoons. Good times.
Add on top of that that we're doing some sort of super work flow improvement thing in my department at work that may end up meaning even more time spent for me at work somehow, even though I've already got all the class time, and ignoring the few hours in the week I get to spend with my little girl.
I've at least got some big shows coming up soon that I'm really anticipating that should make it all worthwhile. We'll be going to see the Terrible Twos once again this Saturday at Schubas, and we have very high expectations for that one. Bella loves their newest cd that came out last month, and she's already got most of the songs memorized, so that will be fun to see her enjoying that again.
A week after that I'll be going to see My Bloody Valentine at the Aragon. MBV are basically a band that released an album in 1991 called Loveless that changed the sound of modern rock at the time, and it took most bands a good 15 years to catch up to what they were doing. Sadly, they haven't released an album since then, and are finally touring this year after a 15 year absence from the road. Should be a pretty amazing show.
But most important to me is the band I'd probably say is my 4th favorite band in the world, Sigur Ros, who I'll be seeing at the Chicago Theater in about two weeks. Sigur Ros's shows are incomparable, there's no band in the world that is anything like them. The last show I saw them do at the Chicago Theater (back when Michele was pregnant with Bella and it was around the time doctors say the baby can hear in the womb) was one of the 5 greatest concerts I have ever seen, and you know that is saying alot. Their new release from this year is another great one, and it'll fit in perfectly with their previous material, so it should be an amazing night.
So I'll post when I can in the coming weeks, but expect me to be M.I.A. otherwise...
Correction: The last Sigur Ros show you went to was at the Civic Opera house, which was (I think) seven or eight months after the Chicago Theater show.
Get your facts straight or I'm going to start reading Dane Cook's blog instead.
I guess I should have worded that a little more clearly, I meant the last show that I saw them do at the Chicago Theater was one of the best I've ever seen... Picky bastard.
The Civic Opera show was fantastic, but it wasn't quite as great for some reason.
And be sure to tell Dane I can't wait for his new movie this fall, I'm sure it's going to be a hit!
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